Gaming Groups, Events & Conventions

Published: January 9, 2022

Jess C.

Gary Con 2022

Gary Con 2022

What is Gary Con?

Gary Con is an annual tabletop gaming convention held in honor of Gary Gygax, co-creator of Dungeons & Dragons. Noble Knight Games is proud to be a sponsor and vendor for this incredible gathering.

Hosted and organized by members of the Gygax family, this RPG-focused event celebrates a Life Well Played! Featuring tons of game tables and demos ranging from D&D and other roleplaying games to miniature combat games, board games and more, this convention is non-stop fun.

Visit the vendor hall and say hello to us at our booth, attend a panel, meet special guests and industry legends, grab a drink with friends in the lounge, and of course, get your Game on! What better way to celebrate the ongoing legacy of Gary Gygax than to play lots of games?

Gary Con text with cartoon wizard logo



March 24th through 27th, 2022.



Where else but in beautiful Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, the birthplace of Dungeons & Dragons. Geographically, this city is located in the South-Eastern part of Wisconsin, fairly close to the Illinois border. It lies between Madison, Milwaukee, and Chicago and is an easy drive from any of these major hubs.

The event itself is hosted at the Grand Geneva Resort & Spa, where on-site accommodations can be obtained. Several other hotels are available nearby, as the Grand Geneva does tend to sell out of rooms during this event.

Interior view of the Grand Geneva Resort main lounge, with plush club chairs, couches, and expansive window
The main lounge at the Grand Geneva Resort


Attend Gary Con

You can register your badge for single day or full-event attendance in advance online, which allows you to pre-register for events! Badges may also be purchased at the door.

To learn more about the different badge options available online, visit the Badge Registration page.

Please note that this convention will require proof of vaccination or a negative (lab provided) COVID test to pick up your badge or purchase one at the doors. Masks will be required inside the convention.


Attend Virtually

Ethereal Gary Con is a great option for those unable to attend in person. Four days chock full of online games, live-streamed events and more will be at your fingertips with an Ethereal Badge!

Luke Gygax, Jason Azevedo and Satine Pheonix playing a live-streamed D&D game at Gary Con in 2019
Luke Gygax, Jason Azevedo and Satine Pheonix playing a live-streamed game at Gary Con in 2019


Keep Up with Gary Con

Seeking more information or want to keep in touch with other convention fans? Here are some handy links.


See you at Gary Con!

Noble Knight Games is excited to be a part of Gary Con 2022! We will have a corner booth in the vendor hall, and hope you will come say hello. Keep your eyes out for our ad in the Gary Con program and special postcards that will feature a special discount code for our website, just for Gary Con attendees.

We’ll be running a bit of a giveaway, slinging some sweet vintage (and new) RPGs, board games, answering your questions, and hopefully running/playing in some games.  See you all in Lake Geneva!

Simpsons-style cartoon of Gary Gygax
Gary Gygax